Statutory Information

To comply with The School Information Regulations all schools must publish specific information on their websites as outlined here by the Department for Education.

To make ours easier to find we have collated a list of links to all of our statutory information which can be found in different sections of our website.

Additional information and printed copies of policies are also available upon request free of charge from main reception. Please call 020 8985 6641 to speak to our receptionist.

To access information CLICK buttons under headings

Values & Ethos, Ofsted Report & Contact Details:

Trustees, Trustee Information & Duties:

Special Educational Needs:

Annual Financial Reports, Accounts & Policies:

Admissions & School Opening Hours:

Curriculum & Careers Education:

Exam & Assessment Results & Performance Tables:


Pupil Premium report:

Promoting Equality:

School Uniforms:

Complaints Procedure & Whistle Blowing Policy:

Trade Union Facility Time Reporting Calculator:

Executive Pay: