New Subjects

One of the most exciting things about starting secondary school is the new subjects which you will learn, or go into greater depth with.  

Here’s what our Year 7s thought about their new lessons this year:

Girls in STEM

"This year I participated in the micro:bit challenge organised by the Institute of Technology. We learnt how to do programming and designed two systems to suit people’s needs. We programmed the micro:bit devices to follow a set of instructions. My group programmed two health micro:bits. They could figure out what the temperature was and gave advice if it was too hot or cold. It would also ask questions if the user was hurt and give advice on how to help. My favorite part of this experience was the computer programming as it was challenging and I learnt about electronics." 

Ayesha, Year 7


Foreign Languages

In set 1 and 2 for languages we are given the opportunity to learn two different languages, French and Spanish. At times it can be very challenging because we have to remember both! However it is very exciting to learn two languages because it gives you good experience and skills. Also you can write it on your university application!

Kendrah, Year 7



"During our PSHCE (Personal, Social, Health and Citizenship education) day we learnt a lot about healthy eating. The day started with us learning about the different ingredients and sugar content in drinks we really like, for example flavoured water and milkshake. Tasty as they may be, we learnt that we should only enjoy these drinks every now and then and not every day. WATER IS BEST! My favourite part of the day was making the fruit platter. We chose different exotic fruits and then cut them up into fancy designs. Once we finished we were judged and the winner received a prize. Afterwards we all got to eat the fruit! It was a tasty day!"

Sifanur, Year 7
